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Top Tips for Impactful Investor Due Diligence

4 Min Read

For Ken Sipiora, a senior advisor with 39 years’ experience, the best calls with Apex Leaders’ private equity clients have been the ones in which clients know—and can articulate—their end…

Edged out: Where’s the Opportunity for Private Equity Buyout Shops?

3 Min Read

It is no secret that competition has ramped up in private equity, as new players—corporations, more private equity firms, and non-traditional investors—have entered the market, making it harder to find…

5 Overlooked Advisors for Comprehensive Due Diligence

3 Min Read

Beyond the C-level executive formerly at a target company, who else should investors tap for a unique perspective? You need seasoned professionals at your disposal, but anymore, that is usually…

How to Develop Your LinkedIn Profile to Attract Private Equity Consulting

3 Min Read

Primary research firms like Apex Leaders scour sites like LinkedIn for seasoned industry experts or subject matter experts to advise top-tier Private Equity investors who value experts’ guidance during their…

We Analyzed Hundreds of Advisor Calls. Here’s What We Learned

< 1 Min Read

Your initial conversation with a PE investor is crucial—it sets the tone for your working relationship and establishes you as a trusted, professional advisor with the expertise they need. The best…

10 Things to Start, Stop and Keep Doing With Your Advisor Calls

< 1 Min Read

How do you replicate the results of an insightful advisor consultation? Your first conversation with a potential advisor lays the groundwork for what we hope will be a fruitful one-hour engagement,…

How Rolling Back ‘Obamacare’ Will Impact Behavioral Healthcare.

3 Min Read

Changes to The Affordable Care Act (ACA) will have a profound impact on more than 20 million people who found health insurance under this law. Yet of the entire affected healthcare industry, certain…

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Why Private Equity Firms are Engaging Industry Experts Sooner in Healthcare

2 Min Read

Before diving into the data, understand the industry Ed Jones, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist with extensive experience in the clinical and business aspects of healthcare. His areas of expertise include…